Mr. Kirkpatrick is a 4th generation union member, 2nd generation Local #26 IBEW, and his son is a 1st year apprentice with Local #26. He has spent 29 years in construction, 25 of those within Local 26, and has been a foreman since 2003. In 2012 Wayne became a superintendent with Nationwide Electric, moving to C3M Power Systems in December 2014.
Mr. Kirkpatrick currently manages Traction Power Substation renovations within the WMATA system. Management of the job is both logistically and technically challenging, having to keep the stations running while replacing major pieces of equipment. The work requires both day and night shifts, as all outages must be done during non-revenue hours at multiple locations at the same time.
Since he is primarily involved in the JHA’s, site specific work plans & logistics, Wayne believes the STSC will help him identify and eliminate potential safety issues. Having the knowledge from the STSC certification and the many years of construction work, he says he’s now more confident in his ability to identify proper PPE, as well as identifying and mitigating general hazards associated with construction work.
The Chapter and the Chapter Safety Committee congratulate Mr. Kirkpatrick on his certification!